Thursday, July 16, 2015

IQ Test


  1. Heh.
    So many IQ tests available.
    I used to do them for fun and the results vary a great deal.
    The bottom line is that unless it is a certified test provided by some organization, you will not learn much.
    Not to mention the questionable structures. Or the fact that some want you to feel better :)
    Then again... Not that IQ means much....

  2. Haha, true. I've done a few and they do vary. The one Roj took was certified. Still doesn't mean much. Lol

  3. Haha, I think he must have misread it; it probably said 20 not 200. There's no way Roger and I have the same IQ ;)


    1. Hahaha, I think even 20 is embellishing. More like 2. LOL. Idk my IQ but hopefully smarter than Roger! XD
